
Raise the Flag

I planned a different post for the New Year titled: „Yes, we can“. But I am too troubled over the recent events in the United States. I also write in English today, since I directly speak to my American Friends. I only wanted to write about entrepreneurship and some IT stuff here. But today I have to become political. But then again entrepreneurship is also about values and standing up for them.

We in Germany already had our share of violent gangs pressuring the legislature. I can’t help but thinking about the passing of the of the Enabling Act by the Nazis, while SA men where lurking outside threatening the life of Social Democrats in the chamber, who voted against the law.

One reason commonly brought forward for the accent of the Nazis in Germany is the silent majority. Not really for the Nazis but content enough to not speak out. I want to challenge my American Friends to be wiser than that.

Please make it known, that you are not ok, with what is happening. But what would be a good way to do that, especially during a pandemic. Even though you can’t go out, you shouldn’t let the loud and violent control the streets and airwaves.

First I thought putting a candle in the window. But that appeared for me to be too mournful, to timid. What we need is a symbol of strength and freedom. So I propose that every American raises their Flag (the American Flag that is). Take back your Symbol for what it is. The symbol of a strong, free county, that lives by it values and strives for the better. Put it in your window, on your front lawn. Don’t be the silent majority.


Afterthought: There is also the term „Raise a Flag“ from sports, which also fits quite nicely here.

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